
Torchlight: Code Highlighting in a Markdown WYSIWYG

Posted by Chris Mellor Chris Mellor on December 14th, 2021

What is Torchlight?

Torchlight is an HTTP API that sends code to a server to parse it and then sends it back to the user looking like the kind code highlighting you might see in your code editor.

An overview of Torchlight and how it works can be found on its main website documentation

Getting started

Torchlight can be used in a bunch of different ways, using different clients. Probably the most popular one is the Laravel client as it offers several features and a handy Blade Component, making wrapping code blocks — and highlighting them — a cinch.

This article will not be focusing on the Laravel client. If you wish to know how to use this, check out the specific section of the documentation for using Torchlight with Laravel

Using with CommonMark

This article will be all about how to utilise Torchlight using its CommonMark PHP client.

The reason I chose this client was that for this blog when writing articles, I am using a third-party application called EasyMDE. And even though this website is built with Laravel, I could not utilise that client because I cannot use the Blade Components in a content editable text area.

The CommonMark client is just an extension of the CommonMark package from The PHP League.

The reason I am doing it like this is that the extension will pick up any code — in any language, wrapped in back-ticks and highlight the code directly on the browser.

All the highlighted code in this article is using Torchlight


Installation is pretty simple, you just install it via composer!

1composer require torchlight/torchlight-commonmark


You might also want to publish the packages configuration file, so you can customise it as you see fit.

1php artisan torchlight:install

You will need an API Token to use Torchlight. You can get this for free by registering an account on the Torchlight website and creating a new token from the dashboard.

Then add the new token to a new environment variable in your .env file.


You can also change things like which cache driver you want to use and a theme. A list of available themes can be found in the documentation.

Enable the Extension

As I mentioned, this client is just an extension, so we just need to enable it.

Quite simply, all you need to enable it is to add this code

1use League\CommonMark\Environment\Environment;
2use Torchlight\Commonmark\V2\TorchlightExtension;
4$environment = Environment::createCommonMarkEnvironment(['html_input' => 'strip']);
5$environment->addExtension(new TorchlightExtension());

This can be added wherever you output your Markdown content on your page.


I'd like to bring up how I achieved this when building this blog.

First, I'll quickly go over how I have my Posts model structured:

Here is the migration

1Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {
2 $table->id();
3 $table->foreignId('user_id')->constrained();
4 $table->foreignId('category_id')->constrained();
5 $table->string('title')->index();
6 $table->string('slug')->unique();
7 $table->string('excerpt');
8 $table->text('post_content')->index();
9 $table->boolean('is_published')->default(false)->index();
10 $table->string('post_image')->nullable();
11 $table->timestamps();
12 $table->softDeletes();

post_content is where the content of a blog posts is stored.

In the Posts Model, I have defined a new Accessor

1public function getContentAttribute(): bool|RenderedContentInterface
3 if ($this->post_content == null) {
4 return false;
5 }
7 return $this->convert($this->post_content);

Adding this means I can now access the value of this attribute by using $post->content instead of $post->post_content . Both ways will still work, but the former has been transformed now to call the convert method.

Utilising a Trait

The aforementioned convert method is part of a custom Trait. The Trait is name-spaced at App\Concerns\Convert.php and contains the following:

1namespace App\Concerns;
3use League\CommonMark\Environment\Environment;
4use League\CommonMark\MarkdownConverter;
5use League\CommonMark\Output\RenderedContentInterface;
6use Torchlight\Commonmark\V2\TorchlightExtension;
8trait Convert
10 public function convert($content): RenderedContentInterface
11 {
12 $environment = Environment::createCommonMarkEnvironment(['html_input' => 'strip']);
13 $environment->addExtension(new TorchlightExtension());
15 $converter = new MarkdownConverter($environment);
17 return $converter->convertToHtml($content);
18 }

You'll have spotted the code mentioned above to enable Torchlight when using the CommonMark client.

So now, whenever I access the new content attribute, if the value is using Markdown, it will be automatically converted to HTML and if it is using code blocks, they will be highlighted with Torchlight.

Within a Blade file, I would just call it like so

1<p>{{ $post->content }}</p>

Worth noting ❗️

When you hit the web page with the newly highlighted code for the first time, it will cache the response, so the page might take slightly longer to load than usual, but it's just a one time thing. You could queue it if that is going to be an issue.


You will have to style the code blocks to make them look nice. Fortunately, the documentation gives you the CSS to implement into your build. It shows the styles for Vanilla CSS and TailwindCSS. Check that out here.

Some annotations also require custom CSS and these are outlined in the individual annotations' documentation page.


What makes Torchlight stand out from its competition is how it can render code via comments in your code. For example, you could focus a line in your code block:

1public function author(): BelongsTo
3 return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id'); // [tl! focus]

On line 3, there is an inline comment // [tl! focus] which tells Torchlight to render this code block with this line highlighted, as shown below:

1public function author(): BelongsTo
3 return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id');

Another example is that you can highlight a line of code in the code block:

1public function setType(string $type): string
3 return $data['attributes'] = match ($type) {
4 'info' => 'info',
5 'success' => 'success', // [tl! highlight]
6 'warning' => 'warning',
7 'error' => 'error', // [tl! highlight:1]
8 default => null,
9 };

On line 5, you'll see the line is highlighted.

You can also do a range of lines, as outlined on line 7 which adds a :1 indicating to also highlight 1 line below the first.

1public function setType(string $type): string
3 return $data['attributes'] = match ($type) {
4 'info' => 'info',
5 'success' => 'success',
6 'warning' => 'warning',
7 'error' => 'error',
8 default => null,
9 };

For a final example, you can do code differentiation, similar to how you see it on GitHub.

Here is an example below:

1private function deleteUnusedImage()
3 Storage::disk(config('filesystems.default')) // [tl! remove]
4 Storage::disk('s3') // [tl! add]
5 ->deleteDirectory('post_headers/'.Str::slug($this->postRequest->title));
7 if (! $this->postRequest->has('post_image_delete')) {
8 return null;
9 }

Adding a // [tl! remove] comment will mark the line in red and adding a // [tl! add] comment will mark the line in green.

1private function deleteUnusedImage()
3 Storage::disk(config('filesystems.default'))
4 Storage::disk('s3')
5 ->deleteDirectory('post_headers/'.Str::slug($this->postRequest->title));
7 if (! $this->postRequest->has('post_image_delete')) {
8 return null;
9 }

Those are just three examples that I think are pretty cool, but there are lots more too. Check out this overview of the other available annotations.

So check out Torchlight and consider using it for your next project that requires some code highlighting!
